Christmas 2007

"These must be the new stage lights I ordered."

"I must diet, right after the Holidays."

"Hey Mom, look what Gabba got for me!"

"Bet he thinks I'm gonna drop something."

"You don't say! She didn't!"

"She doesn't even know I exist."

"He's the dreamiest guy I've ever seen!"

"Gabba has the best bears."

"I think we need another ball right here."

"My Dad has the best lap ever."

"Just what I wanted, my very own bald baby."

Yeah, an endless supply of Mud gloves."

"You just want me for my lip balm."

"Weeeeeeeeeee, party on!"

"Weeeeeeeeeee, party on!"

"Elmo rocks!"

"Yeah, another one for my vast collection."

A family favorite, Christmas spaghetti.

"Wow, it took Gabba how long to make this sauce?"

Yes, enough for an army.

"Wow, what a day that was."

"Ugh, food coma, just a quick nap..."

"Do I have to do ALL the mowing around here?"

"Gabba, this slide is a little small."

Grace Lily... she lights up our lives!

Hmmmm... is this a hint of things to come?

July 2005, after such a LONG wait, ta-dah...

only hours old and already the center of our lives.

Dad is transfixed...

Mom's full of awe...

Grandma's in her glory holding Grace.

Grandpa gets his turn to hold the little angel.

Grandpa and Uncle Ed admire Grace Lily.

In the safety of Dad's arms, forever.

Mommie, what big eyes you have! Eeeks!

Dad steals a quick kiss, AGAIN.

Mom's best Christmas present, EVER!

"Um, what's going on here?"

"Oh, now I get it. I'm ONE year old! But what's that big yellow thing you're pointing at?"

"That was great! Can we do this again tomorrow?"

"Wonder where that big yellow thing is?"

"I know, Dad must be bringing it home!"

"Is this the downward facing dog position?"

Always willing to share her toys with Max!

Two years just seems to have flown by!

"Can we go to the beach today Gabba?"

"These stoplights are such a waste of time!"

Visiting the beach on Grandma's birthday.

Gracie's first work of art! And my birthday present. What can I say? I love it so much!

Wow, what a world!

"Once upon a time..."

Laurel and John... parents of Grace Lily!

Laurie and John prepare to barbecue...

"First it says to put some coals in the bottom..."

@!&#%!*@! No paparazzi, PLEASE!

What else? Bruce Springsteen for Christmas!

Grandma brought a few things for Gracie.

A real man is not afraid!

Ahoy there!

We'll be good, we promise!

Just one little kiss, please?