Sweeney... expect the unexpected!

"Dahling, this is my best side."

"I'm king of my world!"

"I'll find you, wherever you are!"


"Hey, you with the belly, I'll be the greeter here!"

"Get that thing out of my face! Darn paparazzi!"

"Hmmm... I wonder how close he'll let me get."

"I wish mom would get this new cat tree in the house! Does she expect me to use it out here?"

"I love my new bed. What a great mom I have."

"Those mutts can't get up here. Ha,ha!"

"I think I'll just sneak up behind and swat him!"

"What makes her think she belongs up here?"

"She'll never find me up here!"

"Don't tell me HE'S joining the family!"

"This water is waaaay cleaner than the dogs water."

"I know that mouse is in here.
I'll wait for just the right moment."

"OK, NOW the POUNCE..."

"I decided to give him a break and let him go."

"This is one of my fav paths in the garden."

"Phew, all my work is done for the day."

"Bah-humbug! Where's my dinner? Late again!"

"I love all of my beddy-pals. Nighty night."

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