Christmas 2007

"These must be the new stage lights I ordered."

"I must diet, right after the Holidays."

"Hey Mom, look what Gabba got for me!"

"Bet he thinks I'm gonna drop something."

"You don't say! She didn't!"

"She doesn't even know I exist."

"He's the dreamiest guy I've ever seen!"

"Gabba has the best bears."

"I think we need another ball right here."

"My Dad has the best lap ever."

"Just what I wanted, my very own bald baby."

Yeah, an endless supply of Mud gloves."

"You just want me for my lip balm."

"Weeeeeeeeeee, party on!"

"Weeeeeeeeeee, party on!"

"Elmo rocks!"

"Yeah, another one for my vast collection."

A family favorite, Christmas spaghetti.

"Wow, it took Gabba how long to make this sauce?"

Yes, enough for an army.

"Wow, what a day that was."

"Ugh, food coma, just a quick nap..."

"Do I have to do ALL the mowing around here?"

"Gabba, this slide is a little small."

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